
A fractal is a figure, which can be spatial or flat, formed by
infinite components. Its main characteristic is its appearance.
Therefore, they are elements classified as semi geometric. In the sound of the Gong hides the tireless winding of these fractals.

Alejandro Notz
Swiss-Venezuelan therapist, with extensive experience in sound therapy, both in Europe and Latin America. Expert in gong, harmonic chants and Tibetan bowls. Founder of Fractal Gong since 2016, a project where all his influences and learning in shamanism, energy healing techniques with sound merge. A mixture of highly trained sensitivity and a few years of live practice make his gong sessions a unique experience.
Gong Caravana of Peace Tour 2015/2016/2018: more than 20 concerts between Ljubljana, Maribor, Zadar, Rijeka, Mostar, Sarajevo, Bosnian Pyramids in Visoko with Don Conreaux, Gongmuse, Angelo Surinder, Micah and more than 30 Gong masters international, vibrating for world peace.
Mysterium Tremendum Wesak 2016: Sanctuary of Meritxell in Andorra with Don Conreaux and Diego Montenegro.
Gong Theater of The Soul 2016: Alcázar Theater (Madrid / Spain) with Don Conreaux, Alex Notz, Diego Montenegro, Francisco Lumbreras and more than 20 gong masters from different countries.
Lush Spa: Full day gong bath 2016 (Madrid / Spain)
Furthur-Tunkashila Gathering 2017/2018 (Avila / Spain)
Gong Puja for Tantra Retreat with Astiko 2018 (Spain)
Conference "Sound as Medicine" at the Palacio de Congresos de Albacete 2017 (Albacete / Spain)
Boom Festival 2018 (Portugal)
Special Gong Bath and overtone singing workshop 2018 (Nyon / Switzerland)
Yoga Shala Kungalv opening ceremony 2019 (Kungalv / Sweden)
Special Gong Bath 2019 and overtone singing workshop (Copenhagen / Denmark)
Udumbara Gathering 2019 (Extremadura / Spain)
Agni Spirit Festival 2019 (Huesca / Spain)
Own Spirit Festival 2019 (Huesca / Spain)
Special Gong Bath 2020 (Crete / Greece)
Harmonic Chants Meeting Diafanum 2020 (Avila / Spain)
Training in Sound Therapy: Tibetan bowls and harmonic songs with Roman García Lampaya and Rafa Monsonís - 2014 (Spain)
Gong Master Training with Don Conreaux, Gongmuse and Angelo Surinder 2015/2016 (Spain)
Gong Caravan of Peace with Don Conreaux Gongmuse and Angelo Surinder 2015/2016/2018 (Slovenia, Bosnia and Croatia)
Meridian Sound Massage Training level 1/2/3 with Gongmuse 2016/2017/2018 (Spain)
Gong Master Training Wesak Celebration with Don Conreaux and Diego Montenegro 2016 (Andorra)
Gong Camp and Mem Gong Yoga Training with Don Conreaux and Angelo Surinder 2016 (Portugal)
Gong Mask Theater of The Soul with Don Conreaux, Robert Horwell and Diego Montenegro 2016/2017 (Spain-France)
Advance Gong Consciousness Training with Don Conreaux and Gongmuse 2017 (Slovenia)
Guinness Gong World Record 2018 with Don Conreaux, Aidan Mcintyre (England)
Gong Teacher Training 2019 with Don Conreaux and Gongmuse (Slovenia)
Advanced Gong Playing & Gong Nidra training with Mehtab Benton 2019 (Denmark)

Patricia Royo
Terapeuta de sonido y empresaria (licenciada en Dirección de Empresas y MBA) con larga experiencia en ambos sectores. Sus estudios, práctica e investigación en diferentes técnicas de sanación (Chamanismo, Naturopatia, Fitoterapia, Dietética, Respitación Ovárica Alkimia femenina, Terapia Transpersonal, Meditación,...) le han dado una visión holística del ser humano que le permite comprender los mecanismos del ser humano y hacer de sus sesiones, vivencias únicas.
Imparte talleres, Círculos de mujeres y Sanación de Útero en sesiones individuales de terapia de sonido. Ha ofrecido charlas y conferencias sobre el Sonido como Medicina Cuántica y la Visión Holistica de la Enfermedad. Facilitadora de talleres sobre el Autodiagnóstico y cuidados menstruales. Empresaria y creadora del espacio Tiyoweh, La Quietud, en Madrid.
Carrera de música (piano) en el Conservatorio profesional de Valladolid.
Gong Master Training con Don Conreaux, Tom Soltron, Abby del Sol (2014).
MEM Gong Yoga Training con Abby del Sol (2015).
Gong Master Training con Don Conreaux, Angelo Surinder y Gongmuse Surana (2016).
Gong Mask Theater of The Soul con Don Conreaux, Robert Horwell y Diego Montenegro 2016
Taller de Flauta Nativa con Angelo Surinder (2017).
Siri Krishna Kaur

Beatriz Fraile Marina "Siri Krishna Kaur" is a specialist in dance therapy, member of the international dance committee, social worker, mediator, kundalini yoga teacher and specialist in women's cycles. Companion of sacred processes. Facilitator and creator of kundalini dance-yoga evolution. Professional ballerina.
Since 2013 she has been a collaborator and organizer of events, concerts and festivals of art and music of a mystical and spiritual nature (eco-festival novo mundo, tunkasilah festival), facilitating sound trips and gong baths together with Alejandro Notz in the Fractal Gong project.
Creator of the Las Diosas de la Floresta and Gong Stellar project where ancestral knowledge of shamanism, kundalini yoga and other tools of transformation of consciousness are taught and transmitted for the spiritual development of the human being.
Victor Hernandez

He has been a teacher of Physical Education and Tutor in Secondary for twelve years, with the vocation of helping by offering a deep knowledge of the physical aspect from a holistic approach.
He has specialized in the field of Physical Activity, Health and Psychotherapy as essential elements for the integral improvement of the person. He has compiled the wisdom of different traditions and schools to offer individualized help, facilitating the necessary changes without forcing or manipulating personal processes.
He has been trained in Pedagogy, Psychopathology, Social Action, Theater of Listening, Yoga (Kundalini, Ashtanga and for Children), Therapeutic Massages (Ayurveda, Thai, Tantric, Yogic, Metamorphic ...), Energetic Healing (Reiki, Sat Nam Rasayan , Bioenergetics ...) and has focused on Sonotherapy (Gong, Bowls, Harmonic Singing, Sacred Instruments ...) for its therapeutic and transformative potential.
He has taught weekly kundalini yoga classes and performed numerous gong baths in yoga centers, retreats, and public spaces.
We dedicate this space to honor the teachings received by our beloved teachers, we share with you moments of some of the Gong Master Training and other sound therapy trainings that have been part of our school, started on the path of the gong in 2015, currently we have participated in 13 GMT in different cities in Europe and in 2019 we attended the first Gong Teacher Training, we are the only ones in Spain certified to be able to teach the Gong according to the Don Conreaux School.